"A Taiwanese local production, You Are The Apple Of My Eye is based on the same titled book, written and directed by the same book author, Giddens Ko. The film tells a story of a young man,Ko-Teng (Chen-Tung Ko), who has several close friends with a crush on a fellow student, Shen Chia-Yi (Michelle Chen). Ko and his friends graduate together from Ching Cheng’s junior high school straight into their senior high school division in pursuit of her. This close-knit group of friends grows up together to witness their beloved Shen walking down the aisle to become someone else’s wife and, learn their coming-of-age lessons while, continuing to pursue their own happiness."
A very, very cute, funny and nice movie.. really enjoy watching it..
Get lots of laughter from the audience ( including me^^)
It makes me think of my secondary school's life..
all the sweet memories with friends and from my 'secret admirer'...
When thinking back, should have thank those who ever see me as the apple of their eye..
just like what Shen Chia-yi said, i'm a very normal girl also..
i have my own temper, lots of bad habit..
o.O Oops!!
but still being liked^^
i'm really very happy and appreciate a lot..
"Thank You^^"